Bumps On Back Of Tongue. Pimples on back of tongue. The small bumps on the surface of your tongue, called papillae, grow throughout your lifetime.
Did You Know That "Spicy" is Not a Taste? from ishti.hubpages.com
Some people think they look or feel like pimples. But the lump can appear on any portion of the tongue, and lumps on the base of the tongue are often hard to diagnose until they become larger. Change in the ability to taste sweet, sour or bitter foods;
Did You Know That "Spicy" is Not a Taste?
A pimple on the back of your tongue may be a different story. White patches on the insides of the cheeks, the tongue, or the back of. A pimple on the back of your tongue may be a different story. A hard bump and painless sore on side or back of the tongue.