Cystitis. Interstitial cystitis may be associated with other chronic pain disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome or fibromyalgia. Late radiation cystitis, on the other hand, can develop from 6 months to 20 years after radiation therapy.
Interstitial cystitis can cause stiffening of the bladder wall, which allows your bladder to hold less urine. Some people are more likely than others to develop bladder infections or repeated urinary tract infections. Women can have this problem.
What is Cystitis? My Gynae
The most common causative organism is e. The most common causative organism is e. The interstitial cystitis association (ica) is the only nonprofit charitable organization dedicated solely to improving the quality of healthcare and lives of people living with interstitial cystitis (ic). Cystitis akibat infeksi, atau disebut juga dengan infeksi kandung kemih, paling sering disebabkan oleh bakteri e.coli.